3035A Dufferin Street Toronto M6B3T7 Ontario
Inquiries: (416 ) 783-4251   Fax: (416) 783-4252

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Ultra-Bond offers a wide variety of vacuum formed dental appliances.
We manufacture everything from clear retainers and soft night guards to custom made bleaching trays and sports mouth guards. All of our vacuum formed products are manufactured using top quality materials made by Pro Form one of the leading manufacturers in this field.

Besides vacuum formed appliances, Ultra-Bond also offers heat cured impac night guards and surgical stints/guides for proper implant placement. Impac night guard is considered one of the best in its category. It is made out of heat cured thermo plastic which is the only material that can at the same time offer both strength and comfort.

When placed inside patient’s mouth the body heat causes the inner portion of the appliance to soften up making it extremely comfortable to wear. At the same time the outer layer remains hard and resistant to abrasion by the opposing dentition. Prior to each insertion, Impac night guards should be immersed in warm water to soften up .

A Word About Clear Retainers

The purpose of all dental retainers is to maintain the desirable position of the teeth upon successful completion of orthodontic treatments. Conventional ortho retainers are very uncomfortable to wear and are also extremely esthetically displeasing. On top of this, while wearing them, patients find it really hard to pronounce words properly. What differentiates clear retainers from regular orthodontic retainers is that they are made out of thin clear plastic which fits comfortably over patient’s teeth. They are virtually undetectable and very comfortable to wear. Another big advantage is that they do not impede patient’s speech in any way whatsoever.

Rush Case?

Ultra-Bond offers rush service for all emergency cases at no extra charge.

Our Products

Pro Form Night Guards, Sports Mouth Guards, Bleaching Trays, Impac Night Guards, Surgical Stints, Clear Retainers, Custom Trays, Diagnostic Wax ups, Study Models and Articulations.